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Current Impact

At CDI, we equip every child and youth’s natural support community with the tools and skills needed to sustain long-term success by working hand-in-hand with them throughout their participation in the programs. We collaborate closely with renowned research experts and partner organizations that extend from boards of education, medical institutions to key nonprofits to build integrated systems that further support children and youth.

Our Reach (2022-2023)

Number of Unique Clients Served

Showing 119% growth between 2021-22 under CDI Direct Services
Showing 200% growth between 2021-22 under CDI Affiliate Networks; Showing 147% growth between 2021-22 under Total # clients served
Showcasing details of Children and Youth Mental Health services
Showcasing impact under Social, Emotioanl and Behavioural Counselling Services
Showcasing impact under Therapeutic Recreation
Current impact under Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Counselling Services
Current impact under Gender-based Violence Services
Current impact under Early Years and Child Care Services
Current impact under Research and Scaling- SNAP Clinical and Youth Justice
Current impact under SNAP for Schools
Current impact under Research and Scaling - Mothers in Mind


a group of kids and a teacher

I really appreciate all the help the SNAP program has given us in the past year. It really has helped us a lot. We are in a much better place than when we started the program.

a boy

The SNAP program provides families the opportunity to grow and learn skills that will carry them beyond the thirteen weeks which include resiliency, effective communication, and family bonding. The program breaks down barriers, and provides the family a safe place to build back their family better.

a mom and two kids

Our consultant was very helpful and supportive all the time. Whenever we needed her, she was always there to help. As a parent I learned so many strategies and techniques to support my child and those were very effective.

a diverse family

Mothers In Mind has helped me learn how to respond sensitively to my kid. It helped me manage my expectation better and it’s been easier to understand my daughter’s emotions because of all the strategies we have been introduced to.

a group of people

After two years of virtual programming we are returning to the beautiful Haliburton Highlands and in-person summer programming at Towhee. Camp Towhee endures, just like our campers.