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Donor Impact

“I was scared and really didn’t know what to expect being in a shelter. It was especially hard for my 8-year-old.”

– Maggie, Mother and former CDI client

Maggie bravely left her home in the middle of the night escaping an abusive relationship. At a critical time, Child Development Institute (CDI) was there to help her navigate housing and school systems while healing from domestic violence. With CDI’s support, Maggie could focus on her daughter Krista when it mattered most.

For 115 years, CDI has been a beacon of hope for children and families, providing evidence-informed mental health care and early learning services in Toronto and through its national and international affiliates. Last year, CDI served over 8,000 children and youth, more than double the number from the previous year.

For Maggie, CDI’s programs were timely, providing a social worker at school and at the shelter to help Krista transition to a new school, as well as helping Maggie work through her own traumas and challenges. Maggie could see the difference this made first-hand: “My daughter enjoyed fun after-school activities. Interacting with other children was a welcome relief. My daughter even learned ways to cope with her emotions. I could tell she learned a lot.”

My daughter enjoyed fun after-school activities. Interacting with other children was a welcome relief. My daughter even learned ways to cope with her emotions. I could tell she learned a lot.

*This is a true story. Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.

Your support can make a difference

The need is growing! Demand for specialized mental health services for children and youth has increased in the past few years and has been exacerbated due to the pandemic. Children can’t wait! Your generous gift today can help children and their families overcome life’s challenges, leading to happier and healthier children tomorrow.

Fortunately, CDI was able to help Maggie and her daughter navigate one of life’s most difficult situations. With your support, CDI’s services will be there when needed, for Maggie and Krista, and another 8,000 children this year—and beyond.