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Risk Assessment Tools (EARLs)

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About the EARL-V3

The Early Assessment Risk List Version 3 (EARL-V3) is a gender and culturally sensitive risk assessment instrument for children under 12 years old. It is currently the only Structured Professional Judgement (SPJ) Tool for assessing the risk of criminal/antisocial involvement for children.

The EARL provides a comprehensive framework for practitioners to evaluate a range of risk factors that are known to influence young children's propensity to engage in antisocial behaviour. The updated manual, published in 2021, also includes detailed suggestions for risk management strategies linked to each risk identified.

The EARL-V3 is designed to:

  • Assist practitioners and researchers to identify risk factors associated with future antisocial/violent behaviour
  • Provide a structured, gender-sensitive approach to risk assessment
  • Promote a culturally sensitive approach to risk assessment
  • Help professionals develop, prioritize and implement risk-reducing treatment options
  • Conduct scientific research about risk factors accessible to practitioners

The EARL-V3 manual has already been translated to Swedish and French and has been implemented across Canada and the USA, as well as distributed in Sweden, the UK, and Ireland (previous versions were also translated into Dutch and Japanese).​