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Individual participant: EARL-V3 Manual, Training & Certification Package

The Individual Registration includes: 2 days of Training; 1 EARL-V3 Manual; Electronic copy of the EARL Summary Sheet and Participant Certification. You can select dates from the list below – each set of dates will indicate if this training is available remotely via online video conferencing or in person training hosted at CDI in Toronto. 

Once you have placed your request through the online store, please e-mail cccoadmin@childdevelop.ca to indicate the dates you are interested in and a CDI representative will contact you to confirm the availability of the dates requested and arrange details including payment. Spaces are limited and are filled on a first come first served basis.  

  • We are currently offering the following dates for Individuals to register for EARL-V3 Training:

  • July 8th & 9th
  • September 23rd & 24th
  • Please note - we require a minimum number of participants for each training. If we do not reach the minimum (5+) we will not be able to deliver the training. Based on this we ask you to indicate your first choice and second choice as well.

