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SNAP® Affiliates

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SNAP® is delivered by Child Development Institute in Toronto (St. Clair Gardens and Don Mills locations) and through licensed SNAP Affiliates across Canada and around the world.

For more information on bringing SNAP to your community, contact snap@childdevelop.ca.

About SNAP® Affiliates

The SNAP licensing process protects the integrity and fidelity of the SNAP model. It requires all professionals and/or organizations using SNAP to enter into a SNAP licensing agreement with Child Development Institute. Since the first licence was issued in 1999, many organizations and professionals from a variety of disciplines have engaged in the training, consultation, ongoing communication and licensing required to be designated as a SNAP Affiliate. 

If you are interested in becoming a SNAP Affiliate, please review the FAQs below to learn more about the process, then complete this online form. A member of our SNAP Implementation Team will follow up with you once you have submitted the form.


CLICK HERE for the SNAP Affiliate inquiry online form

SNAP Affiliate FAQs

What is a SNAP Affiliate?

A SNAP Affiliate is an organization that has entered into an annual, renewable licensing agreement with Child Development Institute (CDI) to deliver SNAP programming. SNAP Affiliates enter into a multi-year process that includes assessing site readiness, ongoing training and consultation and a regulated quality assurance process.

What types of organizations are eligible to become a SNAP Affiliate?

To date, SNAP licenses have been issued to a variety of culturally diverse organizations including children’s mental health agencies, educational facilities and other community and social service organizations across Canada, the United States and Europe.

What are the training and implementation procedures?

Based on the SNAP implementation framework, each new organization adopting SNAP will follow a set of well-developed activities designed to fully support the implementation process. Site assessment, community education, lead and core staff training, team consultation and on-site visits are all important aspects of the implementation process. 

What type of ongoing support is available for SNAP Affiliates?

We have learned that maintaining an ongoing relationship with SNAP Affiliates plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of quality service. After the initial SNAP training and implementation is complete, a detailed on-going consultation activity schedule is developed for future years.

Consultation is negotiated with each SNAP Affiliate on an annual and as-needed basis, and is customized to meet the individual organization’s needs. This can be done through face-to-face meetings, or via telephone or video conferencing methods. SNAP teams and supervisors are all invited to be involved in this process, which also includes reviews of live or filmed SNAP sessions. Fidelity and integrity checklists are used to support and measure the implementation process.

How long does it typically take to complete the licensing and implementation process?

Once funding is secured, this process typically begins with three to six months of initial work including securing staffing, conducting training and initial consultation. The implementation and evaluation process then continues on over a number of years (ideally there is a sustainability plan and agreement for at least a three-year period).

Is there a fidelity protocol or assessment?

Yes. There are several fidelity activities conducted to support implementation and service delivery. SNAP fidelity/integrity practices include file audits, consultations and monitoring of the SNAP parent and children’s groups and other SNAP treatment components utilizing adherence and competency ratings.

What costs are involved with becoming a SNAP Affiliate?

There are direct and indirect costs involved with becoming a SNAP Affiliate and implementing SNAP.

Direct SNAP costs include:

  • Pre-implementation consultation
  • Training – SNAP lead staff training, initial core SNAP training, and risk need assessment training (EARL-20B, EARL-21G and/or EARL-PC)
  • Annual consultation (includes fidelity and integrity audits)
  • Annual SNAP licensing
  • SNAP resource materials

Additional SNAP costs include:

  • Training for new staff/refresher training
  • On-site consultation activities
  • CDI research consultation and SNAP database development
  • Community mobilization activities

Indirect costs (paid to others):

  • Research materials (e.g., standardized measures, forms, software)
  • Capital costs (e.g., equipment)
  • Travel and accommodations (e.g., trainers, consultants, staff)

Ongoing program costs:

  • Staffing
  • Program delivery space
  • Program materials (e.g., prize box items)

Under what conditions/setting is SNAP most successful?

  • SNAP has been successfully implemented in mental health organizations and other community-based organizations in communities, both urban and rural, of all sizes.
  • SNAP programming delivered in areas where there is an identified need and appropriate funding and/or resource allocation have typically been the most successful.

How can my organization become a SNAP Affiliate?

If you are interested in becoming a SNAP Affiliate, please complete and submit this online form. A member of our SNAP Implementation Team will follow up with you to discuss the licensing process.

How do I get trained in SNAP?

In order to be trained and authorized to use SNAP, you have to be a staff member of a licensed SNAP Affiliate site. We typically enter into licensing agreements with agencies/organizations and as such do not license individuals. If you are a member of a licensed organization, please contact us at snap@childdevelop.ca. If you are not sure if your organization is licensed, please refer to the SNAP Affiliate Site license list.

What makes SNAP different from other models?

  • SNAP is an evidence-based cognitive behavioural model proven to be highly effective.
  • The SNAP models were specifically developed to meet the needs of children under the age of 12 in conflict with the law.
  • SNAP is designed to help children and adults stop their emotional arousal in order to be able to think about alternate ways of dealing with their responses to stressful situations so that they are able to make better choices. Participants also learn how to recognize body cues that are indicative of feelings of anger, hurt, sadness and a sense of unfairness, among others.

“We really value SNAP as a tool for all of our students. It helps them reflect on their reactions and identify different ways to solve problems.”
